Articles (8)

Communicating With Students Through HiveConnect

HiveConnect allows faculty and staff to communicate with students directly from the platform. This article explains the functionality of email and text messaging.

Creating and Updating Student Lists in HiveConnect

A Student List is a static list of students. You can use Student Lists in a variety of ways, from maintaining a list of students to track over time, to sending messages to issuing referrals/alerts. This article will show the steps required to create and manage student lists.

Issuing Alerts

An alert is a tool that can be used to draw attention to a student who may be at risk for various reasons. When an alert is issued, appropriate staff are alerted and are able to intervene. This article describes what alerts are, how they may be submitted, and what happens after submission.

Progress Reports

This article will explain what a progress report is and how faculty may respond to requests for progress reports.

Selecting Preferred Pronouns to Display in HiveConnect (Staff Version)

Instructions for staff on selecting preferred pronouns in the platform.

Selecting Preferred Pronouns to Display in HiveConnect (Student Version)

Provides instructions to students regarding the selection of preferred pronouns in HiveConnect

Setting Up Availability In HiveConnect

Provides instructions for creating availability in HiveConnect so students can see when staff/faculty is available for appointments.

Syncing HiveConnect and Gmail Calendars

Provides step-by-step instructions on how to sync your calendars in HiveConnect and Gmail.