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The Career Resource Center coordinates a large range of career-related services for students and alumni.
LinkedIn gives you the ability to showcase your profile, expertise, recommendations and connections, not only is your profile the first professional impression of you when recruiters and employers use LinkedIn to search for candidates but it also demonstrates credibility in your industry and highlights your achievements. Many people still underestimate the importance of LinkedIn in their job search and are sometimes reluctant to embrace social media.
Soft skills are essential to your career and as you search for jobs. While hard skills necessary to successfully perform technical tasks in a job, soft skills are necessary to create a positive and functional work environment. For this reason, employers often seek individuals who possess proven soft and hard skills.
Functional resumes are a proven format across all industries because they can highlight both your key skills and an abbreviated employment history.
Use this Resume Tip Sheet for Veterinary Technicians for advice on the best format and content for impressing potential employers in the field of veterinary medicine.
Use this resume template along with the Resume Tip Sheet for Veterinary Technology to create a dynamic resume that will impress potential employers.
This resume tip sheet provides advice on the best format and content for impressing potential employers in the field of surgical technology.
Use this resume template along with the Resume Tip Sheet for Surgical Technology to create a dynamic resume that will impress potential employers.
Use this resume template along with the Resume Tip Sheet for Radiologic Technology to create a dynamic resume that will impress potential employers.
A chronological resume (sometimes called a reverse-chronological resume) is the most commonly used resume format among job seekers. This style is what most people think of when they hear the word “resume.” It gets its name from the fact that the job seeker lists lists their past jobs in reverse-chronological order in the work experience section.
This resume tip sheet provides advice on the best format and content for impressing potential employers in the field of radiologic technology.
This resume tip sheet provides advice on the best format and content for impressing potential employers looking for physical therapist assistants.
Use this resume template along with the Resume Tip Sheet for Physical Therapist Assistant to create a dynamic resume that will impress potential employers.
This resume tip sheet provides advice on the best format and content for impressing potential employers in the field of occupational therapy.
Use this Resume Tip Sheet for Nursing for advice on the best format and content for impressing potential employers in the field of nursing.