Showcasing Hard Skills & Soft Skills on Your Resume

What You Know + How You Work = Your Success in the Workplace

Your success in the workplace will not be determined only by what you know (i.e., your knowledge and technical skills) but also by how you work (i.e., your personality, work habits, and the way you interact with others). These two areas are called “hard skills” and “soft skills,” and both are very important to demonstrate to prospective employers on your resume.

Identifying Your Hard Skills and Soft Skills

Your hard skills are abilities that you have gained through schooling, technical training, apprenticeships, certification courses, or experience on the job. These skills are learned, measurable, and job specific.

Some examples of hard skills are  

  • computer programming
  • marketing
  • financial planning
  • nursing care

Your soft skills are your personality traits, work habits, and the ways you solve problems or relate to people. These skills describe how you perform your job and are transferable to any career.

Some examples of soft skills are 

  • leadership
  • flexibility
  • multitasking
  • organization
  • collaboration
  • active listening

Your Soft Skills Are Always Showing!

A potential employer will notice your soft skills from the first contact you make. For example, neatness, punctuality, confidence, and active listening show during the application and interview processes. Recognizing and cultivating your soft skills is important because these skills are high priorities for employers in determining if you are a good fit for their company.

How to Showcase Hard Skills and Soft Skills on a Resume

You can mention your hard skills or soft skills on your resume in the Qualifications Summary section, the Experience section, or a section like Volunteer Activities. Examples:

  • Consistently met time deadlines in accurately analyzing financial condition of loan applicants (This shows financial and analysis skills, punctuality, integrity, attention to detail.)
  • Used encouragement and mentoring to help team members meet department performance goals (This shows business knowledge, leadership, teamwork, enthusiasm.)

These examples show how you can pair a hard skill with a soft skill in a measurable accomplishment. More examples:  

For more information, contact the Career Resource Center                               (248) 276-8216              

Revised 18 August 2020


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