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Communicating over the phone remains an important tool for businesses. Phone calls are often the first positive impression someone will have of you.
LinkedIn gives you the ability to showcase your profile, expertise, recommendations and connections, not only is your profile the first professional impression of you when recruiters and employers use LinkedIn to search for candidates but it also demonstrates credibility in your industry and highlights your achievements. Many people still underestimate the importance of LinkedIn in their job search and are sometimes reluctant to embrace social media.
Make sure that you already have a few key interview stories queued up and ready in your back pocket. Once you have a solid roster of examples ready to go, it’s time to polish up your delivery.
Functional resumes are a proven format across all industries because they can highlight both your key skills and an abbreviated employment history.
A chronological resume (sometimes called a reverse-chronological resume) is the most commonly used resume format among job seekers. This style is what most people think of when they hear the word “resume.” It gets its name from the fact that the job seeker lists lists their past jobs in reverse-chronological order in the work experience section.
A cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience. Employers use cover letters as a way to screen applicants for available jobs and to determine which candidates they would like to interview.
A cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience. Employers use cover letters as a way to screen applicants for available jobs and to determine which candidates they would like to interview.
Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others.
A lot has changed in the job interview process over the years. One thing that hasn't changed is the need to send a thank-you note to your interviewers to express appreciation for the opportunity to meet with them, which can be done via email for more immediate follow-up.
A virtual interview conducted over the phone or through a computer isn’t so different from an in-person interview.
Ultimately, you want your cover letter to convey your interest in the position. To start off on the right note, get the salutation right by being as specific as possible—ideally with the name of the hiring manager. Of course, that can’t always happen, but as long as the effort is clearly made, you’ll be starting your cover letter in the right place.
As appealing as remote work is to employees, it wouldn’t be such a strong trend if employers didn’t also recognize benefits from their side of the desk. Companies with work-from-anywhere policies can boost employee productivity, reduce turnover, and lower organizational costs, according to recent research at Harvard Business School.