Payment Plan Enrollment

Student Billing Portal

Baker College Students:
Students can enroll in a payment plan on the student portal for a current semester balance, prior to the enrollment end date for the current semester (see Important Dates & Information for enrollment deadlines).  Follow the steps below to enroll in a current semester payment plan:

You will be redirected to the student billing portal

St. Francis School of Law Students:
Students can enroll in a payment plan on the student portal for a current quarter balance, prior to the enrollment end date for the current quarter (see Important Dates & Information for enrollment deadlines).  Follow the steps below to enroll in a current quarter payment plan:

You will be redirected to the student billing portal

Enroll in a Current Term or Past Due Payment Plan

An arrow points to the Overview screen and to the View Payment Plan Options button.

Arrows point to the payment plan pop out window, the available payment schedule display, and Enroll in Plan button.

NOTE: This screen will only be available if you owe a balance for the current term and the payment plan enrollment period is still open or if you owe a balance that is past due and the past due payment plan enrollment period is still open. Additionally, this screen will not display for students who had previously withdrawn from the same payment plan earlier in the term.

Baker College Students:
To get reinstated in a payment plan that was already withdrawn contact or 1-855-752-3426. 
St. Francis School fo Law Students:
To get reinstated in a payment plan that was already withdrawn contact or 1-800-931-2694.

An arrow points to the Payment Plan Enrollment pop out window.

Arrows point to the agreement check box for the payment plan enrollment terms and the Continue button.

Arrows point to the birthdate and phone number fields and the continue button.

Responsive Payment Plan Installments

Installment payments are responsive to charges and credits that are pending or post to the student account. Therefore, monthly installments may increase or decrease throughout the length of the payment plan, based on account activity, such as:

  • Adding/Dropping/Withdrawing
  • Financial Aid Award Increases or Reductions
  • Bookstore Purchases or Returns
  • Third Party Payment Authorizations or Cancellations

Installments are “locked” 5 days prior to the due date of the installment. Any adjustment to a student’s account within the 5 days leading up to the due date will not affect the installment amount due. However, the subsequent installments will adjust accordingly. In the event that credits to a student account, such as financial aid awards or withdrawing/dropping a course, results in a $0 or credit balance, the payment plan automatically adjusts all remaining installments to $0 and considers the payment plan completed. There is no need to request a withdrawal from a payment plan when this occurs.

Arrows point to the enrollment fee amount, payment method selection, and the continue button.

Arrows point to payment information fields, save payment feature, automatic pay enrollment option, and the continue button.

Arrows point to the agreement check box for the terms and conditions and to the continue button.

The payment review screen. Once reviewed an arrow points to the Pay $35 button to finalize the enrollment.

Arrows point to the confirmation of the enrollment, the auto payment option, and the Go to Overview screen button.

Payment Plan Enrollment Fee

Once a payment plan is enrolled the $35.00 enrollment fee is charged and due, regardless of:

  • A Student Request to Withdraw From the Plan
  • A Plan is Administratively Withdrawn for Failure to Meet the Plan Requirements
  • Financial Aid is Awarded to Cover the Balance After Enrollment in the Plan.

Neither Baker College or St. Francis School of Law collects the enrollment fee and cannot reverse/refund the charge. 

An arrow points to the payment plan details on the Overview Screen, which you can click to reopen up the payment plan window.

Arrows point to the payment plan details on the payment plans pop up window and installment payment option.

Withdraw from a Payment Plan

Students cannot withdraw themselves from a payment plan on the student portal.

Baker College Students:
You can request a withdrawal from a payment plan by contacting OneStop at or 1-833-MY1-STOP or by clicking Submit a Ticket.
St. Francis School fo Law Students:
You can request a withdrawal from a payment plan by emailing, calling 1-800-931-2694, or by clicking Submit a Ticket.

Historical Payment Plans

Students can view their payment plan history by clicking on the payment plans section on the student portal. This section will display all payment plans for which a student is currently enrolled as well as any withdrawn or completed payment plans for which the student was previously enrolled. 

Arrows point to the currently enrolled and inactive plans display within the Payment Plans window left pane navigation menu.

Arrows point to the payment plan name where you can click to reopen the payment plans pop up window for further details.


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Article ID: 91859
Mon 11/11/19 5:48 PM
Thu 7/11/24 1:42 PM

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