Submit your Event


  • Use this form to provide information for all upcoming Baker College events. Whenever possible, submit your event at least 4-5 weeks in advance. By providing us with accurate and detailed information you can help ensure that your event posting will effectively reach your intended audience.

Who can use it:

  • Employees
  • Faculty
  • Staff

How do I get it:

  • Click on Submit a Request.




The purpose of this form is to collect information about the various events taking place throughout the institution. Our marketing staff will review your submission and develop a promotional strategy appropriate for your event and intended audience. Avenues for sharing your event can include (1) the Events Calendar on the Baker College marketing website ( > About Baker > Events), (2) our various social media channels on popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and (3) external television, radio, and online news media outlets.

This form should not be used to obtain approval for your event, secure funding, reserve a room or location, or to request any sort of event planning form our marketing staff.

Things to Know Before Completing This Form
It is expected that prior to completing this form, your event has been approved via the processes outlined for  your campus, department, student club, council, etc. Such approval should also include any funding necessary to carry out your event. Specific details of your event such as its purpose, date, time, location, registration requirements, costs, and designated contact person should be decided upon and confirmed prior to completing this form.

Photography and Videography
We value your event and strive to do our utmost in promoting your event to your intended audience. Based on the nature and scope of the event, our marketing staff may attend for the purpose of securing professional photos and/or video for use in the College’s marketing and public relations initiatives. Such decisions are made at the sole discretion of the Baker College social media marketing manager. While you are encouraged to include any request for photography and/or videography in the comments section of this form, we cannot guarantee that a photographer will be present.

Submit a Ticket


Service ID: 46586
Thu 10/15/20 7:33 AM
Wed 6/26/24 1:41 PM