Creating and Updating Student Lists in HiveConnect

Creating a Student List

There are several ways to create a student list or add students to an existing list.

Option 1 - Create a student list or add students through Advanced Search

Navigate to  Advanced Search (the magnifying glass icon in the vertical menu on the left side of the home page).  Using the provided filters, find the population of students you wish to select students from.  From the resulting search, select all students you wish to add to the student list by selecting the box next to their name, or select the entire list by clicking the NAME box in the gray area above the list.

Arrow pointing to the box for selecting all names on the search result list.

After selecting your students, click on the Actions menu and select "Add to Student List".

Yellow arrow pointing to Action menu and blue arrow pointing to add to student list

You may either add students to an existing list or you may select "Create New List".  If you create a new list you will be prompted to name it, then click "save".

Add to Student List Box

You now have a static list of students that will not change over time unless you make changes to the list.

Option 2 - Add Students to a Student List from the Student Profile

On the right-hand side of the student profile page in HiveConnect, use the Options menu to select the “Add to Student List” button.

Arrow indicating the "add to student list" selection in the options menu.

From here, you can decide which student list to add the student to, or you can create a new student list and add the student to it.

Accessing a Previously Created Student List

Once you have created a student list, there are several areas within HiveConnect you may access them:

1. Staff Home Page

By clicking on “Assigned Students,” you will be able to select from any of your saved searches or student lists to display on your home screen instead of the default lists of Assigned Students.

2. Lists and Searches Icon

Your student lists and Saved Searches also have their own icon. You can find it under the left hand Navigation Menu as “Lists and Searches”:

Arrow showing the lists and saved searches icon.

In the Lists and Saved Searches page, you may access your saved searches and student list. Additionally, you may upload new lists from this page. You can open an existing student list by clicking the student list name.

My saved items page.

After opening a student list, you can modify, delete, or save a different version of the student list.

3. Advanced Search

Under the “Student Information” drawer, you may select one or more student lists as a search filter to help you narrow down your results:

Advanced search field showing student lists filter under student information

Removing Students From a Student List

 On the Lists and Searches click on the name of the List you wish to edit.  From this screen you can also delete the entire List from the “Actions” menu.

 To remove student(s) from the list. Select the gray box next to the student(s) name. Click on the “Actions” menu and select “Remove from Student List.”



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