Baker College offers the option of using VPN for Windows and MAC. VPN provides a secured connection to the Baker College network, allowing you to access internal resources such as network drives or other protected information while working from outside of the network.
- Before accessing VPN, your supervisor must request account access.
- After account activation, you will receive a VPN group assignment. Example: ACT21
- IT can install the VPN software to your Baker device when requested.
- Once VPN access is granted and VPN is installed on your computer, follow the directions below to connect to VPN.
- When using Bakers network, VPN will fail to connect, because you are already inside of the network.
- To keep your computer up to date and secure, connect directly to a Baker campus or connect to VPN for at least 1 hour every 2-3 weeks.
Find Cisco Secure Connect client in your start menu.

If necessary type in in the box showing below and click Connect.

Select the correct group, fill in your baker credentials and click OK.

VPN now requires multi-factor authentication. This means that you will now need to fully authenticate with your Baker Account using the Authenticator or a Text message verification. This authentication process is similar to logging into

Once successfully connected, the Cisco Secure Connect icon running on the task tray will have a lock symbol showing.

Click on the Launchpad and find Cisco AnyConnect Secure mobility client.

Allow MAC to optimize the application if necessary.

Fill in the server name of if necessary and click Connect.

Select the correct group, fill in your baker credentials and click OK.

While you are connected to VPN the icon by the time will have a lock symbol showing.

VPN now requires multi-factor authentication. This means that you will now need to fully authenticate with your Baker Account using the Authenticator or a Text message verification. This authentication process is similar to logging into