Loan Change Request

Once loans have been accepted on the Student Financial Aid portal, any request for changes must be submitted using this service request form.  While we will attempt to make all changes as requested, below are a few conditions:

  • Loans must be paid in equal disbursement amounts.
  • Loan changes cannot be made to disbursements that have already been paid. If you would like to return funds to your lender please review our Loan Return Request article.
  • Cancelling disbursements for a future semester may reduce the amount or change the disbursement schedule for your loan.    
  • All change requests will be reviewed by Financial Aid and you will be notified if your ticket cannot be processed as requested.  
  • You may receive a communication from Financial Aid that an additional action is necessary to approve the change on your Student Financial Aid portal.

If you have additional questions about federal student loans, review our Loan Information knowledge base articles.

Submit a Ticket

Related Articles (3)

What types of loans are available? How much money can I borrow in federal student loans? Read this article to learn the answers to these questions and more.
This article contains detailed instructions on how to accept, decline or reduce federal student loans.
Learn more about how you can request a change to your federal student loan after it has been accepted.


Service ID: 53222
Fri 2/24/23 11:12 AM
Thu 5/2/24 11:26 AM