Mobile Phone Setup


Your Android device might display different results than the pictures below.

The process for this can vary depending on the accounts that may or may not be attached to your phone and the model of your phone. The Play store requires an account to be attached to the phone for app downloads. Some will choose to use their Baker account, others will choose their personal accounts.

Skip to Multiple Accounts if your personal Google account is already attached to the phone and you would just like to add your Baker account to apps.

Find the Play Store App and open it. Sign in with your Baker username including
A picture of an Android phone. The picture points to the Google Play Store. An arrow points to the login field for google on an android phone.

Google will detect a Baker account login and you will be sent from Google login to the Baker login Screen. Type in your Baker username including

If necessary approve the login with MFA (Multi Factor Authentication). This might be with the authenticator app, texting, or a phone call.  For issues with this step, view the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) article.

An arrow points to the login field for the Baker Login screen. A picture of an Android phone. The picture shows Multi Factor Authentication login prompt for the authenticator app and reads "Approve Sign in Request"

Decide if you want to backup this account's data to the Google cloud and click Accept.

The Play store should now be open. Search the Play store for Gmail. This app is for checking Emails.

A picture of an Android phone. The phone is showing Google Services prompt to enable Cloud Backups on the phone or not. An arrow points to the search field within the Google Play store.

Update or Install the Gmail (Email) App.

Optional: Install Google Chat if you would like Instant Messaging on your phone.

An arrow points to the "Update" button for Gmail on the google play store. An arrow points to the "Install" button for Google Chat on the Play Store.

Optional: Install or update the Google Calendar if you want your Baker calendar on your phone.

Optional: Consider installing the Zoom app. Use it to join, or host meetings. You may also use Zoom for interfacing with your Baker office phone number.

An arrow points to the "Update" button for google Calendar on the Play Store. An arrow points to the "Install" button for Zoom on the Play Store.

Important: At this point slide down from top and check the notification bar for this issue and click on it.

Baker logins now require at least a passcode to be setup on the phone. You may also setup Biometrics to make unlocking or using the authenticator app easier.

An arrow points to a phone notification stating "there is an action required..." An arrow points to the "Next" button and states that a lock screen is required.

Multiple Accounts: If you would like to use your personal Google account on this device, click your profile picture at the top right of the Gmail app to add your Baker account as secondary.

Choose Add Another Account and switch between multiple accounts anytime using the top right profile picture again. Add as many Google accounts to the apps as you want.

An arrow points to the profile picture at the top right hand corner. An arrow points to the "Add another account" button.


Your iPhone device might display different results than the pictures below.

The process for this can vary depending on the accounts that may or may not be attached to your phone and the model of your phone. The App Store requires an account to be attached to the phone for app downloads. These instructions assume that an Apple ID has been added onto the phone.

Skip to Multiple Accounts if your personal Google account is already attached to the phone and you would just like to add your Baker account to apps.

Find the App Store and open it. Search the App Store for Gmail.
An arrow points to the App Store icon on a Iphone home screen. An arrow points to the Search field in the Iphone App Store.

Click on the "GET" button in for the Gmail - Email by Google App.

Click on the "Install" button to start installing Gmail. 

An arrow points to the "Get" button for Gmail on the Iphone App Store. An arrow points to the "Install" button for Gmail on the Iphone App Store.

Depending on your iPhone account (Apple ID) you may have to sign into your Apple ID here.

Depending on your iPhone account status, you may have to click Review if you have haven't done this yet.

An arrow points to the "Sign In" button for the Iphone App store. An arrow points to the "Review" button for the Iphone App store.

Click on the "OPEN" button to get started setting up your Baker account.

Click on Sign In on the Gmail App.

An arrow points to the "Open" button for Gmail on the Iphone App store. An arrow points to the "Sign In" button on the Gmail app.

Choose "Google" to setup your Baker email account.

Click on Continue to get started with the Gmail app.

An arrow points to the "Google" option in the Gmail App. An arrow points to the "Continue" button on a Gmail warning popup.

Type in your email address and then click Next.

Google detects a Baker account and directs to the Microsoft sign in. Use Baker credentials and click Next.

Arrows point to the Login field, and the "Next" button for the Gmail Login. Arrows point to the Login field and the "Next" button for the Baker Login.

Type in your Baker password and click the "Sign In" button.

Optional: Install Google Chat if you would like Instant Messaging on your phone.

Arrows point to the Password field, and the "Sign In" button for the Baker Login. Arrows point to "Google Chat" typed in, and the "Get" button on the App Store.

Optional: Install or update the Google Calendar if you want your Baker calendar on your phone.

Optional: Consider installing the Zoom app. Use it to join, or host meetings. You may also use Zoom for interfacing with your Baker office phone number.

Arrows point to "Google Calendar" typed in, and the "Get" button on the App Store. Arrows point to "Zoom" typed in, and the "Get" button on the App Store.

Multiple Accounts: If your personal Google account is already on this device, click your profile picture at the top right of the Gmail app to add your Baker account.

Click on "Add Another account" to setup other Gmail accounts and easily switch between them.

An arrow points to the profile button at the top right of the Gmail app. An arrow points to the "Add another account" button on the Gmail app.


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Article ID: 90812
Tue 10/29/19 4:05 PM
Mon 4/1/24 1:07 PM

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