Baker Gmail FAQ


Can I change the colors of my Mail window?

Yes, you can choose from a number of different color schemes, or even create your own! To change the colors, click Settings Gear in the upper-right corner of your Mail window.

What is the maximum number of characters I can use for my email signature?

Your signature can contain up to 2000 characters.

Can I format my email signature and add graphics?

Yes. To set up your signature use the Settings Gear. Click see all settings, and scroll down to the Signature section of the General tab. You can format your signature with different colors and styles, and even add links and images. For faculty and staff, please review the Baker College Style Guide to comply with the standard email signatures.

Can I change the way Baker Gmail displays the names of message recipients, so their last names appear instead of their first names?

No, the displaying of names in Gmail is an option that is set for the entire organization. However, when viewing a message, you can click the Show Details down arrow to see the full names of all included recipients.

Can I create my own mailing (distribution) lists?

Yes, you can create your own distribution list with its own email address using Google Groups.

Can I use Email Clients such as Outlook?

Legacy authentication protocols (POP, SMTP, IMAP, and MAPI) are now blocked by default because they are considered less secure. Newer versions of applications, such as Microsoft Outlook, are now equipped with modern authentication using Browser or Mobile/Desktop App authentications that are compatible with two-factor authentication.

Can I use Email Forwarding?

The ability to use automatic Email forwarding is in the process of being phased out for all accounts. Emails can still be forwarded individually. 




Article ID: 90252
Wed 10/23/19 4:17 PM
Thu 12/5/24 8:09 AM

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