Baker College Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy


What are the requirements for maintaining SAP? What is Financial Aid Warning? How do I reinstate my eligibility for financial aid? The financial aid SAP policy contains the answers to these questions and more.


Table of Contents

Requirements for Maintaining SAP
Financial Aid Warning
Reinstatement of Eligibility
Appeal Process
Academic Considerations

In order to receive federal, state, or institutional aid, regulations require that students maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward completion of their current academic program.  All students will have their progress reviewed at the end of each semester, whether or not they are receiving financial aid, since these rules decide eligibility for future semesters.

There are three academic standards that all students are required to maintain in order to remain eligible for future financial aid assistance (including student loans). The standards required to maintain eligibility for financial aid are: Grade Point Average (GPA), Pace, and Maximum Timeframe. The SAP calculation includes coursework that applies toward the students current program level (undergraduate/graduate).  In addition, students must be accepted for continued enrollment under the policies defined in the Baker College Handbook.

Requirements for Maintaining SAP

  1. Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement. Students must maintain a cumulative Baker College grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 (3.00 for graduate students) at the end of each semester.  Students will be considered in violation if they do not maintain a cumulative 2.00 GPA (3.00 for graduate students).
  2. Pace Requirement. Students must successfully complete a minimum of 67% of their cumulative credit hours attempted (including transfer credits) by the end of each semester.  Students will be considered in violation if they do not meet this requirement.  A student's completion rate is determined by dividing cumulative earned credit hours by cumulative attempted credit hours, the result is rounded to the closest whole percentage (i.e. 66.5% wil round to 67%). This calculation ensures that students can mathematically complete their program within the maximum timeframe requirement.

  1. Maximum Timeframe Requirement. Students must complete their academic program within 150% of the published program credit hours. Students will be considered in violation if they have not graduated by the end of the semester they reached their allowable credits.  For example, students pursuing a bachelor degree requiring 120 credit hours, must graduate within 180 attempted credits (120 x 150% = 180).

Second Degree - Undergraduate: Students who enroll in a subsequent undergraduate certificate or degree at Baker College will be allowed additional credits to achieve their  second degree.  The maximum timeframe determination will be calculated based on 150% of the published program length plus the following additional credits. 
Table 1: Undergraduate additional credits added based on degree earned.
1st Degree Earned Additional Credits Added To Complete Second Degree
Certificate 0
Associate 45
Bachelor 90

Example: Students who earned a bachelor degree at Baker College  and are pursuing a second bachelor degree will have a total of 270 credit hours to complete their degree. Bachelor degree requires 120 credits multiplied by 150%, plus 90 additional credits for the previous bachelor degree earned (120 x 150% + 90 = 270).

Second Degree - Graduate: Students who enroll in a subsequent graduate degree at Baker College will be allowed additional credits to achieve their second degree. Maximum timeframe determination will be calculated based on 150% of the published program length plus the following additional credits.

Table 2: Graduate additional credits added based on degree earned.
1st Degree Earned Additional Credits Added To Complete Second Degree
Master 36
Doctorate 60

Example: Students who earned a master degree at Baker College and are pursuing a doctorate degree will have a total of 126 credit hours to complete their degree. Doctorate degree requires 60 credits multiplied by 150%, plus 36 additional credits for the previous master degree earned (60 x 150% + 36 = 96).

Note: Students with multiple prior degrees received from Baker College will only be allowed additional credits for the highest degree earned.

Attempted Credit Hours Include all credit hours attempted at Baker College. This includes passing grades, failing grades, withdrawals, credit/no credit, pass/fail courses, and non traditional credits (i.e. articulation, waiver tests and experiential learning). All transfer credits listed on the student’s transcript are also included. 

Attempted Credit Hours Do Not Include Unofficial Withdrawals, Incomplete, Audit, and In progress grades.

Earned Credit Hours Include all credits that a student successfully completed (D- or better). This includes for credit, pass, and non traditional credits (i.e. articulation, waiver tests and experiential learning). All transfer credits listed on the student’s transcript are also included. 

Incomplete Grades are not counted until they are converted to an actual grade. 

Course Repeats are counted in attempted credits but will only count once as earned credit hours for PACE and Maximum Timeframe calculations.
Academic Amnesty is an academic policy that is separate from the SAP requirements. Students who are approved for academic amnesty must meet all SAP requirements in order to be eligible for financial aid. All previously attempted courses are included when evaluating a student for SAP (including GPA, Pace and Maximum Timeframe calculations).
Dual Enrollment Courses Taken During High School: SAP is not calculated for students taking college courses while still enrolled in high school; however, once a student is admitted as an eligible college student, all college-level courses taken at Baker (or transferred from another institution) are considered when calculating SAP.  
Financial Aid Warning

Students who are in violation of Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements will be placed on Financial Aid Warning and have one semester (the next semester attended) with the use of financial aid funds (including loans) to get back in good standing.  Students attending a program which is less than one year in length are not provided this warning period due to regulatory requirements.

Students who are unable to get back into good standing by the end of the next semester attended will lose future financial aid eligibility.

Reinstatement of Eligibility

Students who do not re-establish good standing after the warning period may submit an appeal to request reinstatement of their financial aid (see details on this process below).  Students in violation of GPA and/or Pace may also raise their cumulative GPA to 2.00 (3.00 for graduate students) and/or complete the number of credit hours to re-establish 67% successful completion without the use of financial aid funds. Students with an approved grade change may contact the financial aid department to request a re-evaluation of their SAP status.

Appeal Process

Students who fall into violation of SAP due to a special circumstance may submit a financial aid appeal for consideration of financial aid reinstatement.  Please review our SAP Appeal Process article for complete details.

Academic Considerations

The Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Rules measure a student’s eligibility for financial aid and are separate from the academic policies, which students must maintain for continued enrollment.

  • Academic Appeals: The academic appeals are completed separately from the financial aid appeals and students may be required to complete both.
  • Academic Amnesty: Academic Amnesty will not supersede the Baker College Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Rules.

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Article ID: 89742
Sun 10/20/19 10:06 AM
Wed 6/5/24 1:18 PM

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