Syncing HiveConnect and Gmail Calendars


Provides step-by-step instructions on how to sync your calendars in HiveConnect and Gmail.


Instructions for syncing HiveConnect and Gmail Calendars

To begin syncing your HiveConnect calendar with your Gmail calendar you will need to perform the following steps:

Log into HiveConnect and click on the calendar icon on the left side navigation bar.

Left navigation menu with arrow pointing to calendar icon

Select Settings and Sync on the right hand side of the screen under the logo.

Location of calendar settings and sync button with arrow


Click on the blue Setup Sync button and then select Google Calendar as the application.

Setup sync button   Arrow showing Google Calendar button


Google will ask you to choose an account and request permission to access your account. Click "allow" to continue syncing.

Choose an account window        Google account access permissions window


If you are not signed in you will be directed to a Google sign-in page.  Use your Baker single-sign-on credentials. 

You have an option to sync two-way or free/busy.  It is recommended that you select two-way sync.  This will ensure that adding an appointment or event in either calendar will populate the other.  Selecting the Free/Busy option will only populate from Google to HiveConnect, and NOT from HiveConnect to Google.

Select Calendar for two-way sync or free/busy sync

This completes the calendar sync process.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the benefits of syncing my calendar?

A: Calendar syncing allows you to have HiveConnect appointments/drop ins migrate directly onto your calendar. In addition, if a conflict comes up on your Baker College calendar it will prevent a student from setting a new appointment at that time.

Q: Will HiveConnect and students using HiveConnect be able to read details on my calendar if I use calendar syncing?

A: No, HiveConnect calendar syncing only reads as free or busy from your calendar.

Q: After syncing I see that my calendar says "busy," what does that mean?

A: Busy signals come from your Google calendar, they indicate that you have another appointment or event scheduled on your Google calendar.

Q: Do I still need to input my availabilities into HiveConnect if I sync my calendar?

A: Yes, you will still need to input your availabilities into HiveConnect.




Article ID: 159582
Tue 12/19/23 9:57 AM
Thu 2/6/25 8:58 AM