Registering from your Academic Plan


Start by navigating to and login using your Baker College credentials.

Click on the students tab at the top of the screen.


There is a blue arrow that points to the students tab.


Click on Academic Services on the left hand side of the screen.  In the 1st column under Course Information, choose Registration.


There is a blue arrow pointing to the Academic Services tab and a blue arrow points at the Registration link


Choose the semester you are registering for from the drop down and click on the Register button.


 Arrows pointing at the semester drop down and the register button


There is an option here to register from your academic plan or do a course search. The My Academic Plan tab will show your planned courses for the semester you choose. 


There is a blue arrow pointing to the semester you can choose from and a blue arrow pointing toward the Academic Plan tab

You can click on the circle to the right of each class and the sections available will appear.  

There is a blue arrow pointing at the circles next to the planned courses.

There are blue arrows pointing toward some of the sections available for registration.

When selecting your courses, please pay close attention to the section number listed after the course number (Ex: BUS-3050-A1) as this will indicate the campus or format for the course.

Course Section Guide:

A – Online 1st session courses

C – Online 2nd session courses

B or K – Online 16-week course

D – Online Live – Course held at a specific time online each week

T – In person on the Muskegon campus

I – In person on the Cadillac campus

U – In person at the Owosso campus

G – In person at the Royal Oak campus

O– In person at the Jackson campus

W – In person at the Port Huron Culinary Institute


You can also click on the 3 dots within the box of the course and then click view details for more information on the course location.


Arrows pointing at the section number, 3 dots and view details


View details course page


Course details page



Click on the 3 dots to the upper right hand corner on the section you want to schedule.  A drop down will appear and you will choose "add to my schedule" to plan the course.  When you click add to schedule the class will appear at the top in blue with no check mark in front of it.  Once you have planned all of your courses you would like to register for, please click Registration checkout.  You are not registered until you have completed this step.


There are blue arrows pointing to 3 dots, add to my schedule, scheduled class and registration checkout button.


You will then receive a pop up window. Click on the box to indicate you want to register and then click the green register button at the bottom of the page.


There is a blue arrow pointing at Available to Register box and also at the Green register button




Article ID: 157379
Wed 8/9/23 12:47 PM
Mon 11/18/24 10:59 AM

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