Common Interview Questions for Mock Interview Practice


The purpose of a mock interview is to provide you (students/alumni/community) with an opportunity to practice your interviewing skills in an environment similar to an actual interview. A mock interview provides the interviewee an opportunity to both prepare and practice for an interview.


Having a successful interview takes practice! Use these questions to practice with a classmate, friend, or family member.


  • Begin with the ICEBREAKER QUESTION #1. After that, select the order randomly. End with CLOSING QUESTION #15.

  • Don’t rush or appear impatient. Give the interviewee time to think before responding.

  • Ask only one question at a time. 

  • Ask a follow-up questions to clarify vague responses.

  • Use the Mock Interview Feedback Sheet below during the interview to rate the interviewee.


  • Carefully prepare for each of these questions before the practice interview begins. Write down each answer in the space below the question and practice saying it aloud.

  • Be sure that you have researched the position/company and are able to ask informed questions about the job for CLOSING QUESTION #15. (Do not ask questions related to salary or benefits; these issues should not be discussed until an actual job offer has been made.)

  • Treat this situation like an actual interview. Present yourself as a professional in speech and body language. Be friendly and don’t forget to smile!


1.    Tell me about yourself.


2.    Why do you think you would be a good fit for this role?

3.    Why did you leave your last position?

4.    Why do you want to work here?

5.    What is your greatest strength?

6.    What is your greatest weakness?

7.    Describe a time when you had a conflict with a co-worker or supervisor.

8.    How do you handle pressure to meet deadlines? Can you give an example?

9.    What your least favorite job in the past? Why?

10.    What was your favorite job in the past? Why?

11.    How do you handle criticism at work?

12.    Give me an example of a project or job you had to work on as part of a team. What was the result? 

13.    How do you respond when you encounter a roadblock in reaching a goal at work?

14.    What do you know about our organization?


15.    What questions do you have for me? 

  Mock Interview Feedback Sheet


During the mock interview, use the scaled questions below to rate the interviewee. After the interview, mention the positives to the interviewee first. Give suggestions for improvement in each area, as needed.            

(Circle one response for each question.)

 Handshake……………………………      Firm                                               Not Firm                                              Too Firm

 Body Language……………………...  Professional                                     Too casual                                        Unprofessional

          Preparation for interview………....... Well-prepared                               Somewhat prepared                                  Unprepared        

          Eye contact…………………………..     Good                                                Fair                                                      Poor

          Attire……………………………….....   Professional                                    Too casual                                         Inappropriate

          Used real-life examples...................       Always                                           Sometimes                                              Never

          Passionate about career field….....       Always                                           Sometimes                                               Never        

          Response to questions……………    Clear/conversational                     Robotic/rehearsed                                     Unprepared

          Would this job candidate stand out to you?                                                   Yes                                                      Maybe    

Questions that need further practice: (Circle all that apply.)

1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10      11      12      13      14      15  





Source: Manpower Group. (2017). How many questions will I be asked during an interview? Retrieved from


Revised 16 May 2024



Article ID: 114550
Sat 8/22/20 8:33 PM
Wed 7/3/24 11:12 AM

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A mock interview, also known as a practice interview, is a simulation of an actual job interview. It provides you with an opportunity to practice for an interview and receive feedback.

