185 Power Action Verbs That Will Make Your Resume Awesome


Most resume bullet points start with the same words. Frankly, the same tired old words hiring managers have heard over and over—to the point where they’ve lost a lot of their meaning and don’t do much to show off your accomplishments.





Responsible for…

Most resume bullet points start with the same words. Frankly, the same tired old words hiring managers have heard over and over—to the point where they’ve lost a lot of their meaning and don’t do much to show off your accomplishments.

So, let’s get a little more creative, shall we? Next time you update your resume, switch up a few of those common words and phrases with strong, compelling action verbs that will catch hiring managers’ eyes.

No matter what duty or accomplishment you’re trying to show off, we’ve got just the resume action verb for you. Check out the list below, and get ready to make your resume way more exciting.

You Led a Project

If you were in charge of a project or initiative from start to finish, skip “led” and instead try:

1. Chaired 5. Headed 9. Oversaw
2. Controlled 6. Operated 10. Planned
3. Coordinated 7. Orchestrated 11. Produced
4. Executed 8. Organized 12. Programmed

You Envisioned and Brought a Project to Life

And if you actually developed, created, or introduced that project into your company? Try:
13. Administered 20. Founded 27. Incorporated
14. Built 21. Engineered 28. Initiated
15. Charted 22. Established 29. Instituted
16. Created 23. Formalized 30. Introduced
17. Designed 24. Formed 31. Launched
18. Developed 25. Formulated 32. Pioneered
19. Devised 26. Implemented 33. Spearheaded

You Saved the Company Time or Money

Hiring managers love candidates who’ve helped a team operate more efficiently or costeffectively. To show just how much you saved, try:

34. Conserved 37. Deducted 40. Reconciled
35. Consolidated 38. Diagnosed 41. Reduced
36. Decreased 39. Lessened 42. Yielded

You Increased Efficiency, Sales, Revenue, or Customer Satisfaction

Along similar lines, if you can show that your work boosted the company’s numbers in some way, you’re bound to impress. In these cases, consider:

43. Accelerated 50. Enhanced 57. Lifted
44. Achieved 51. Expanded 58. Maximized
45. Advanced 52. Expedited 59. Outpaced
46. Amplified 53. Furthered 60. Stimulated
47. Boosted 54. Gained 61. Sustained
48. Capitalized 55. Generated
49. Delivered 56. Improved

You Changed or Improved Something

So, you brought your department’s invoicing system out of the Stone Age and onto the interwebs? Talk about the amazing changes you made at your office with these words:

62. Centralized 71. Redesigned 80. Revitalized
63. Clarified 72. Refined 81. Simplified
64. Converted 73. Refocused 82. Standardized
65. Customized 74. Rehabilitated 83. Streamlined
66. Influenced 75. Remodeled 84. Updated
67. Integrated 76. Reorganized 85. Updated
68. Merged 77. Replaced 86. Upgraded
69. Modified 78. Restructured 87. Transformed
70. Overhauled 79. Revamped

You Managed a Team

Instead of reciting your management duties, like “Led a team…” or “Managed employees…” show what an inspirational leader you were with terms like:

88. Aligned 95. Hired 102. Shaped
89. Cultivated 96. Inspired 103. Supervised
90. Directed 97. Mentored 104. Taught
91. Enabled 98. Mobilized  105. Trained
92. Facilitated 99. Motivated 106. Unified
93. Fostered 100. Recruited 107. United
94. Guided 101. Regulated  

You Brought in Partners, Funding, or Resources

Were you “responsible for” a great new partner, sponsor, or source of funding? Try:

108. Acquired 110. Navigated 112. Partnered
109. Forged 111. Negotiated 113. Secured

You Supported Customers

Because manning the phones or answering questions really means you’re advising customers and meeting their needs, use:

114. Advised 117. Coached 120. Fielded
115. Advocated 118. Consulted 121. Informed
116. Arbitrated 119. Educated 122. Resolved

You Were a Research Machine

Did your job include research, analysis, or fact-finding? Mix up your verbiage with these words:

123. Analyzed 130. Examined 137. Measured
124. Assembled 131. Explored 138. Qualified
125. Assessed 132. Forecasted 139. Quantified
126. Audited 133. Identified 140. Surveyed
127. Calculated 134. Interpreted 141. Tested
128. Discovered 135. Investigated 142. Tracked
129. Evaluated 136. Mapped

You Wrote or Communicated

Was writing, speaking, lobbying, or otherwise communicating part of your gig? You can explain just how compelling you were with words like:

143. Authored 150. Corresponded 157. Lobbied
144. Briefed 151. Counseled 158. Persuaded
145. Campaigned 152. Critiqued 159. Promoted
146. Co-authored 153. Defined 160. Publicized
147. Composed 154. Documented 161. Reviewed
148. Conveyed 155. Edited
149. Convinced 156. Illustrated

You Oversaw or Regulated

Whether you enforced protocol or managed your department’s requests, describe what you really did, better, with these words:

162. Authorized 166. Enforced 170. Monitored
163. Blocked 167. Ensured 171. Screened
164. Delegated 168. Inspected 172. Scrutinized
165. Dispatched 169. Itemized 173. Verified

You Achieved Something

Did you hit your goals? Win a coveted department award? Don’t forget to include that on your resume, with words like:

174. Attained 178. Earned 182. Showcased
175. Awarded 179. Exceeded 183. Succeeded
176. Completed 180. Outperformed 184. Surpassed
177. Demonstrated 181. Reached 185. Targeted

Revised 18 December 2023



Article ID: 113075
Mon 8/3/20 5:34 PM
Thu 7/18/24 4:44 PM

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